Play to Earn Right to Mint NFTs

1. Contribute or “play” to earn NFTs: These NFTs cannot be minted unless the player has earned the right to do so through their heroic actions in support of token economy or community. Each player will be able to bring their design ideas to a professional design session and have their NFT custom designed, refined and minted on the spot.

a. Each rank of NFT can be earned with the following 2 badges associated with it.

i. Token Badge – participated in the token ecosystem to earn the rank

ii. Maxi Badge – participated in the community and published content to earn their rank.

Players will have to follow their Quest without veering off the path in order to obtain the right to mint an NFT. On their Quest, they will be asked to take heroic actions or sacrifices that are for the good of the token ecosystem or community and accomplishing the founder’s vision.

NFTs on the roadmap at this time:

Chad NFT 4 weeks of game play, 1 Heroic Action

Legend NFT 8 weeks of game play, 2 Heroic Actions

King NFT 12 weeks of game play, 3 Heroic Actions

Emperor NFT 16 weeks of game play, 4 Heroic Actions

Immortal NFT 52 weeks of game play, 5 Heroic Actions

Ambassador NFT Proven influence over an audience

Clan Leader NFT Proven ability to lead a community in action

NFT Benefits:

1. Display your NFT on a Marketplace so that other web3 projects can find you with your statistics and recruit you based on your performance in Quest.

2. NFT holders will be able to participate in the Book of White Magic and have the first opportunity to buy new tokens.

3. If you hold a Legend or higher rank , you will be given the tools to become an ambassador and earn an Ambassador NFT. This will include instruction material on how to increase your audience and influence and the ability to earn commission from your efforts.

4. Ambassador NFT holders will have unique benefits in relation to the SCATSOT utility with the first benefit the right to market the platform as a service and earn a recurring commission

5. Community inspired benefits.

6. First rights and founder privilege to enter Plutocracy 3.0 DAO.

Last updated