Quest Game Play

Gamified token interaction and community building: Using the platform, the experience of being a token holder and community member is gamified for increased engagement. Players submit transactions for review and approval to move on to the next quest or they are contributing as a community member to earn XP points and to be rewarded with tokens through tax revenue.

Players will go through a mix of preprogrammed and spontaneous actions to help support the project’s token ecosystem and community.

The game is broken down into Quests. The players can choose to rank up through each quest type or only one quest type. They can choose to identify their wallet and socials, or just one or the other depending on the Quest they choose.

Token Quest Interact with the token ecosystem Maxi Quest Spread the word and build the community through content creation Clan Leader Quest Be a leader for the Maxis Ambassador Quest Wield powerful Influence throughout the Metaverse Jeet Wars Quests All join forces to combat Jeets, earn badges of honor for their NFT, loot of war for their wallets, and restore order in Chartlandia.

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